Wednesday, September 8, 2010

See you in 730 days, give or take.

Elder Gillette got off around 12:05 pm. Here he is taking his last drive, to the MTC, with the parentals. As the vehicles pulled away the siblings chased after the car with smudged makeup and tear stained shirts. We are all going to miss Dano!!!

Once at the MTC he was greeted by a long line of missionary hostesses, grinning ear to ear, welcoming him into the fold. In the haste of all the greeting he didn't even look back. Good for him!

Start sending him your letters. I'll keep his address current in the top right corner of this website. If you get pictures or letters for Elder G and want to share with the group, please send them to kristin(.)g(.)wells(at)gmail(.)com.

Peace and blessings.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are doing this blog, it will be great to see all he is up to. He is going to be such a great missionary.
