Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November 30th, 2010, Part II

In response to some letters from the family...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! crazy! the snow. well i thought i would send a quick thing cause i just listened to your recording again and i forgot to tell about any tracting stories. Miracles have happened and wierd stuff also. tracting is very different here. What you do is yell ¡buenas! at the front door and they will usually ask who and then look out there window and do the contact through the windows. We will get invited into a lot of peoples houses just because they are so nice.

Everyone here no matter our religion just loves what we do. They all tell us. I love that you spread the word of God. We will usually say like, well can we share it with you then. They cant reject the word of God right? Everyone has there shirts off, well the guys. The woman just breast feed whenever. We will be teaching a lesson and the kid will run up and they will just whip it out. It is just normal here. Crazy stuff. Fun though.

I thought you would all enjoy that we have this guy in my area. we taught him once and he is like old! When we were leaving I said seeya mister (just joking around). Now everytime he sees us no matter where we are he yells ¡See You MIster! in his spanish accent. IT is hilarious. I feel like a tv show cause we call him the see-you-mister-guy haha cause we dont know his name haha.

Thought i would share that though haha. Love you all

Elder Gillette

1 comment:

  1. Ah, no one forwarded this to hoo! But thanks for posting it here!
