¿Que hondas Familia?
Another really quick week here in El Salvador, but full of fun, crazy stuff. We just got done playing soccer with 2 other zones so I am kind of beat right now actually haha. But I will do my best to write as well as I can.
So why I head lined it that is cause this week we had a Stake primary activity here that was about la obra misional (missionary work). SO they invited us to come, but they didn't really tell us much of what we were going to do. So we got their and it ended up we had to teach them all about being missionaries. Like knocking doors and all that jazz for an hour. Most places had both missionaries teaching, but because we have 2 areas we both took a group and I went with our branch. Mom and everyone, I have respect for anyone who teaches primary. It was only the Valiants I think is what they are called (age 8-11) but I had 8 kids and I was so confused cause they were just like teach them.
We ended up practicing a little like contacting and teaching and it ended up being pretty fun in the end. Then they told us we had to go out and they wanted them to knock doors and contact FOR REAL. So we went out to one of our areas and contacted with all the little kids and paired them up into companions and it was fun. We actually found some really great people, But also one of the kids Hugo, totally got rejected by one of the people cause he said he was catholic and not going to change. I thought the little kid was gonna cry, but he turned out being pretty good. Although his mom was there and she was really mad at me saying we shouldn't of gone to that area. It ended up really fun though and I think they all loved it.
We had a lot of splits this week again. We have all been running around trying to secure baptisms and following through with everything. I wasn't comps with my comp again for 3 days again. But the good news is we should have 3 baptisms this next week. I am excited for them. One of them is the mom (Maria Isabel Fuentes) and she is totally prepared and has the desire. She just has to go to church. The other is this 11 year old girl jazmin. She has been coming to church for the past 6 months and has never really had the desire to get baptized although she knows it is right. She went with us contacting and actually did a really really good job and made a new friend in my recent convert Suzanna fuentes. The next day she accepted to get baptized.
The other is this 15 year old boy named Alex. He is awesome and has been asking to play basketball with me since we met him like 2 months ago. He has come to church a lot, but the problem was his parents. They are super catholic and haven't wanted to talk to us. This week I went with Elder Garff (the new elder I went with 2 weeks ago) and we were walking at night and I felt like we should stop by his house. We stopped by and I just asked if we could come in. I just kind of went right in and asked if they would like to watch a movie with us. They were like why not, so we watched finding faith in Christ. Its awesome. We ended up talking a lot and it all turned out good and they gave him permission to get baptized. It was sweet! WE are going to play basketball today with him also so that will be good finally.
Other than that not much happened this week. Valentines was a bust like always. Not much. But I finally received your package this week. The pepto was nice to get and all. The cakebites though. Not gonna lie were destroyed. We had to toss them although we did still try them haha. Other than that not much new news. Everything is going good and it sounds like all of you are doing really good.
I decided to try and send you a movie of us walking to one of our investigators houses (jazmin) which is in the middle of the forest, but we think it looks like the sacred grove. What is funny is like directly after this movie we saw 3 deer and my comp was freaking out cause he has never seen one before haha.
Well love ya all and talk to you nest week! Salu!
Elder Gillette
Did the video work for any of you? I couldn't view it.